
The purposes of the club are;

  • To promote and encourage recreational and competitive sailing and any activities related to that purpose.

  • To conduct sailing events, competitions and regattas for members and other participants.

  • To educate members in the principles of good sportsmanship, ​sailing and water safety.

  • To provide for the well-being, comfort, entertainment, social contact and accommodation of its members, guests and visitors.



The reservoir is located at Baringhup, near Maldon in Central Victoria. It is about 40 minutes from Bendigo and 20 minutes drive from Castlemaine, or about 100 minutes drive from Melbourne. The Club house is located at the Northern end of the reservoir.

Water levels

For information on water storage levels G-M Water website

Registration of entity

Australia Business Number 75 280 868 704

Registered Incorporated Association No. A0012013M


Other Contacts

Boat Storage Officer
Darren Hocking

Safety Officer
Joey Norris

COVID-19 Safety Coordinator
Joey Norris

Charles Thompson

Membership Officer
Andrew Kean

SheSails Rep
Mandy Buchholtz


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